TCV School Selakui represented Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Schools in JNNSMME-2018

The 45th Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition for Children (JNNSMEE) –2018 was convened by National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) at Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. It was scheduled from 23rd - 27th November 2018. This five days exhibition was participated by two students namely Master Dorjee Jurmey and Master Sangye Tashi and a science teacher escort (Miss. Sherab Wangmo) from TCV School Selakui. They represented Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Schools all over India. Their participation was funded by USAID.

Following the participation in 2nd CTA Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition – 2018 at Tibetan Homes Foundation, Mussoorie from 19th – 21st June, 2018, Master Dorjee Jurmey and Master Sangye Tashi investigatory project entitled Cultivation of Aloe Vera: an analysis of its characteristic growth was selected for the national level exhibition.

Master Dorjee Jurmey (Left) and Master Sangye Tashi (Right) with their exhibit at Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Master Dorjee Jurmey (Left) and Master Sangye Tashi (Right) at Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Master Dorjee Jurmey (Left) presenting about his investigatory project

Master Sangye Tashi explaining about cultivation of aloe vera

Master Dorjee Jurmey (Left) with exhibit at Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Following is a report submitted by the escort teacher –Miss. Sherab Wangmo.

45th Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics And Environment Exhibition For Children (JNNSMEE) - 2018

NCERT organizes JNNSMEE for the children every year for popularizing science, mathematics and environmental education amongst children, teachers and the public in general. The best part about the exhibition for the participants was that they get the chance to show, explain and talk about their projects to others. Moreover, it’s rewarding for fellow students, parents, teachers and community members to have an opportunity to see and to appreciate because science exhibition offers judging, students are motivated to strive for excellence and understand what works well in their projects and they can improve.

This is 45th JNNSMEE exhibition and it took place at Sardar Patel Stadium, Ahmedabad, Gujarat dated from 23rd - 27th November 2018. The five days exhibition was followed by an excursion day where all the participants were taken to visit the Statue of Unity.

Besides the exhibition, they have arranged some very inspiring and motivating lecture by prominent guest speakers on some of the morning sessions. For instance, Prof. Anil Gupta from IIM spoke on the subject "Innovation and Creativity" and Shri. Kartikey V. Sarabhai, Head Center for Environment Education, Ahmedabad talked about the crucial topic "Environment Security".

Concluding my report here, I am very thankful to CTA as well as our school administration for giving me the opportunity to participate in the 45th JNNSMEE as an escort teacher. Being myself a science teacher, it had definitely been very experiential and informative on a personal level. It also had broadened my understanding of science, mathematics and environment on an another level.


Annual Science Day-2018

Annual science day of TCV School Selakui was celebrated on October 26, 2018. This extraordinary day was graced by the chief guest Dr. K. N Bhardwaj and his colleague Mr. Siddhant Uniyal from Regional Science Center, esteemed guests Mr. Frank Alaska Quinn, Mrs. Migumi Furukawa and Mrs. Akemi Nihei, distinguished guest Mr.  Migmar Tsering Principal and his colleague and students from THF School Rajpur, guest of honour Mr. Samten Nagarajan.

Together with guests, School heads and members of Department of Science
This special day was celebrated with three phases –functions in the morning, demonstration and exhibition of projects/exhibits in the afternoon and screening of movie in the evening. The day was ended with flying of hot air balloon.
The morning functions were commenced at 9:00 am inside the school hall. During the morning gathering, chief guest Dr. Kailash N. Bhardwaj gave a presentation on ‘Human Evolution’. Students of class XI shared their learning experiences of 8th Body, Mind and Life Conference held at Tibetan Medical and Astro. Institute, Dharamsala. Likewise, students of classes VI, VII and VIII had entertained audience by dancing on science songs like water cycle, photosynthesis and scientific method. Additionally, some participants of Science Camp-2018 held at Regional Science Center, Dehradun shared their learning experiences. Later, Mr. Tenzin Jamyang gave a presentation on ‘CTA level exhibition-2019’ and its follow up activities. As part of the function, Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal shared annual report of Department of Science.
Mr. Tenzin Jamyang, Secretary of Department of Science sharing about CTA level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition -2019

Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal, Head of the Department sharing the report of  'Department of Science'

After half an hour tea break at 11:00 am, Inter-house innovation contests were started. This year’s innovation contest include trashion show, five minutes educational video making challenge themed ‘Waste management’, Self composed science song presentation with self innovated musical instruments and Paper plane. Valedictory address of the morning function was orated by Mr. Tsultrim Kalsang, Head master of School.
Class VII students performing a dance on photosynthesis

'Water Cycle' A dance performance by class VI students

Class VIII students singing a song on 'Scientific Method'

At 2:30 pm, class wise demonstration and exhibition of exhibits was organized. Guests, staffs and students observed all the exhibits of students. Eventually, in the evening at 6:45 pm, a movie entitled ‘Paper plane’ was screened. Science day was successfully concluded by flying of hot air balloon after the movie show.

An exhibit on 'Highway Wind Energy'

LED Cube -an exhibit prepared students

Wireless Charger -an innovative project 


Class wise ‘Science Project’ Presentations

October 30, 2018: To warm up and get ready for the Science day-2018, class wise science project presentation was started from October 15, 2018. The last leg of the presentation was completed on October 30, 2018. 

Detail schedule of the activity is as tabulated as follow;
Table Science project presentation schedule
Presentations are to be started from lower classes to higher classes
Date (Day)
Responsible Teacher
15/10/18 (Monday)
Mr. Tenzin Jamyang
29/10/18 (Tuesday)
Mrs. Choezin Lhamo
17/10/18 (Wednesday)
Miss. Sherab Wangmo
18/10/18 (Thursday)
Mr. Tenzin Jamyang
19/10/18 (Friday)
Mr. Tenzin Jamyang
20/10/18 (Saturday)
Mrs. Choezin Lhamo
22/10/18 (Monday)
Mrs. Choezin Lhamo
23/10/18 (Tuesday)
Mrs. Rajeshwari Chauhan
Mr. Tsering Lodhen
Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal
24/10/18 (Wednesday)
27/10/18 (Thursday)

26/10/18 (Friday)
Science Day

27/10/18 (Saturday)
Mrs. Rajeshwari Chauhan
Mr. Tsering Lodhen
Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal

These class wise project presentations were inspiring and motivating presentations by the students for their fellow students. All the class wise project presentations were exciting, thrilling and experiential for all the audience. Many staffs of school, particularly school Principal Mr. Duke Tsering shared their appreciation for organising these week long two weeks long presentations on current affairs of science and on many other interesting topics.

As the prime purpose for these presentations were to share some of the best researches/projects, majority of the students got opportunity to present their research. Additionally, such platform was for preparing students for the Annual Science Day of School. This extraordinary opportunity was able to organize by the Department of Science under the kind consent from school heads lead by School Principal –Mr. Duke Tsering.


First Master Chef of TCV Selaqui, Class VI-2018

October 2018: The first ever junior master chef competition amongst class six student groups was organized on October 9 at the Tibetan Children’s Village, Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Dehradun.

A total of 8 groups from the two sections of sixth grade consisting of all the students participated in the event. Each group were assessed on areas including taste and color of food, presentation, team work, and question and answer. They were accompanied by  ITI students to provide them with basic support. The judges included three staffs, Mr. Negi, chef instructor of ITI as the main judge who checked the overall work, philosophy teacher Ven. Geshe Thekchok,  and head master Mr. Tsultrim Kalsang. During the event, the school principal Mr. Duke Tsering and assistant headmaster Mr. Tsering Gonpo also attended to observe the event. Each team cooked variety of food items which included  momo, chicken curry, beans, Indian biryani, rice, lentils, tacos, ema datshi, mixed vegetable and others in the allotted two hours duration.

Team Food Festival comprising of Tenzin Dechen, Tenzin Choeying, Tenzin Chemi, Tenzin Kunsang, and Tenzin Yeshi and the Yum-Yum Girl’s team with Tenzin Sangmo, Tenzin Desal, and Tenzin Kunsel had tied to win the title of this year’s master chef. The winners were felicitated by the chief guest Mr. Jamyang Sherab and Mr. Negi, chef instructors at ITI and Mr. Mark from Belgium, a staunch supporter of Tibetan cause and Mr. Tsultrim Kalsang, school headmaster.

Leading up to the event, the students were also taken out to market for grocery shopping. There, the students had first hand experience of communicating with the shopkeepers, selecting good quality vegetables and fruits,  keeping a budget and expenditure sheet and record of food ingredients needed for their dishes.

The students were filled with joy as they carried out their tasks. One student noted, “it is good to experience something for the first time which our parents have been doing for long.” Another student noted, “I had a great time, making food is fun and interesting.” While many others expressed that with the experience they will help their parents in cooking food during the annual holiday.

According to the Mr. Tenzin Jamyang, who teaches the sixth grade students, “we as teachers must ensure that learning becomes a joyful moment for the budding students especially at this age group when they have an inquisitive mind with full of energy and vigour. I know that we may not able to provide such experiences everyday, but once a while we need to come up with things which students can experience physically, socially, and emotionally. This, I think will leave an indelible mark on the life-long learning curve of students as well as teachers. The idea to take them to ITI first came from students and I am so happy that they have expressed their thoughts freely to me.”

According to Mr. Jamyang Sherab, “while students learn theory from their textbooks in schools, it is important to carry out the practicals as well. The sixth graders have two chapters related to food and nutrients in their study curriculum. This will be a wonderful practical session for them to learn and to experience.”

The school heads led by principal Mr. Duke Tsering also appreciated the educational program and expressed their strong support and desire to organize such experiential educational learning in future as well.

The event was jointly organized by TCV ITI and TCV School, Selaqui, and coordinated by Mr. Jamyang Sherab and Mr. Negi of TCV ITI, and Mr. Tenzin Jamyang of TCV School, Selaqui. 

This report was complied by Mr. Tenzin Jamyang


Overall SA I Science Result of TCV School Selakui

Summative Assessment I of TCV School Selakui was conducted from July 23 to July 27, 2018. After the completion of examination, results were prepared and result evaluation of respective classes were done with presence of School Headmaster Mr. Tsultrim Kalsang and his assistant Mr. Tsering Gonpo inside computer laboratory. 


Day V of Science Camp-2018 Through Camera

We are TCV Selakuian Science Family

We are certified robotic kids


Day IV of Science Camp-2018 through camera

Briefing session on robotics
Biotech students are waiting for their result


Day III of Science Camp 2018 through camera

Electronics and Arduino students using proteus software  to design their electronic gadgets

Biotech students are trying to identify their bacteria by gram staining technique


Day II of Science Camp-2018 through lens

Electronics and Arduino students are learning concepts to be applied in hands on activities on electronics


Day I of Science Camp-2018 through Lens

Mr. Tsultrim Kalsang -school headmaster addressing selected students  for Science Camp-2018


The Science Camp-2018

August 2, 2018; Thursday

Before departing school for the 'Science Camp-2018', all the selected students and stake holders had gathered near headmaster's office for the final interactive session. Headmaster Mr. Tsultrim Kalsang la advised about being an ambassador of school throughout the proceeding of the camp. It was followed by final briefing by Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal and Mr. Tenzin Jamyang. 

The 'Science Camp-2018' was started with a brief introduction by Dr. Kailash N Bhardwaj inside the conference room of  Regional Science Center (RSC) Dehradun. Sir talked about transforming ideas to solve the routine life problems. He stressed on discovery and innovation without doing lots of experimental or literature research, rather by click of ideas in mind and applying to change lives.

This fun filled camp of learning and doing science is organised with following objectives;
  1. To popularize science
  2. To supplement science learning.
  3. To inspire and motivate students to discover and innovate by developing rational attitude towards various phenomenon among our students.
  4. To develop scientific temperament. 


On-line test conducted for selecting students for 'Science Camp-2018'

August 2, 2018; Thursday

After days of dedication and commitment of science team of our school to organise a 'Science camp' for students, finally on this day we made it till the selection of students. As per the plan and after seeking guidance from school administrators specially, School Principal Mr. Duke Tsering, Headmaster Mr. Tsultrim Kalsang and Mr. Tsering Gonpo, our team of science teachers have selected students on the basis of their summative assessment I (SA I) marks and an on-line test due to time constrain. Weight for SA I was 60% and the on-line test was 40%.


Hands on Food Experience for Sixth Grade Students

July 19, 2018: Two days morning and afternoon educational excursion to the cookery and bakery section of  Industrial Training Institute(ITI), Tibetan Children’s Village, Dehradun was organized for the  students sixth grade on July 17 and 18th respectively.


Participants of CTA Level Science Exhibition Share Their Experience

July 7, 2018

On July 5th, the eve of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday, the four participants of the CTA Level Science Exhibition from our school, Tenzin Choesang, Dorjee Gurmey, Hrithar Tsering, and Samdup shared their experience with the entire students and staffs of TCV School Selakui during the morning assembly.


Four Students Participated in the 2nd CTA Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition

Four twelfth grade  students of TCV School, Selakui participated in the 2nd Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition 2018 at Tibetan Homes Foundation(THS), Mussoorie from 19th to 21st June, 2018. The exhibition, organized by the Department of Education, CTA, is an initiative to bring research learning skills of students at the forefront and promote self and experiential based learning with creativity.

This year, along with our students, 33 participants from five other schools CST Kalimpong, CST Herbertpur, THS Rajpur, and THS, Mussoorie took part in the exhibition. The exhibition was inaugurated by the chief guest Mr. Karma Chungdak, General Secretary, THF Mussoorie.

A group photo of exhibition organising team members, juges, escort teachers and participating student innovators
Our student Dorjee Gurmey’s project Cultivation of Aloe Vera in Different Soil Types and Samdup’s project Calculation of Theta and it’s Application were chosen best under the sub-theme Sustainable Agriculture and Development and Mathematical Modeling respectively. Their exhibits will be sent to NCERT for evaluation and participation at the 45th JNNSMEE -2018.

Master Dorjee Gurmey while presenting his investigatory project to visiting students

Students interacting with Master Samdup on his project on his innovative idea of measuring unknown dimensions
The two other participating students are Hrithar Tsering with the project Tibetan Medicine in Treating Cancer under Health and Wellness theme and Tenzin Choesang with Extraction of oil from Algae under Resource Management category.
Master Tenzin Choesang is explaining his research work to the visiting students
The three days science exhibition also included a seminar on Digital Transaction: Promises and Challenges and Promises. Each participating team gave a ten minute presentation on the subject followed by a question-answer session. Mr. Azaad Singh, Scientist and IT Trainer at LBSNAA, Mussoorie gave the keynote presentation on the same subject.

In the exhibition hall -participating young innovators and visiting students

All the four participants from TCV School Selakui in group

The participating students reported that they had a meaningful time during the exhibition and were grateful to staffs of THF school Mussoorie for their warm hospitality  and the event organizer, the Department of Education, CTA for providing the platform to excel and showcase their research skills.

According to the students escort science teacher Mr. Tenzin Jamyang,  “the exhibition is a wonderful initiative which enhances creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking. This is the second exhibition and in time more students as well as teachers will take keen interest in developing these essential skills. I sincerely hope that programs like this will continue for as long as possible.”

Science Quiz 2018

June 19, 2018; Tuesday

Science quiz-2018 was held at school hall at 7:00 pm. It was attended by school administrators, staffs and all the students. It was started by Miss Sonam from class XI with a welcome note and general instruction of the quiz. Thereafter, the visual round was conducted for classes VI to eight students from each house by the quiz mistress Tenzin Dedhen from class XII. Visual round was followed by rapid fire round under the kind quiz mistresses Miss Tenzin Dickyi and miss Yangchen Lhamo. 


Movie Screening ‘The Pad Man’

May 19, 2018
The science department in collaboration with the health committee screened the movie ‘Pad Man’ in the school hall at 7 pm. All the students from sixth to twelfth grade along with interested staffs watched the movie. 

First Morning Assembly Quiz

May 15, 2018

First morning assembly quiz was organised for the students inside school hall on May 15, 2018 in presence of school Headmaster, Headmaster's assistant and teachers. There were seven quiz masters namely; Tenzin Kusang (Class VI), Dechen Dolkar (Class VII), Karma Lobsang (VIII), Ngawang Palden (Class IX), Tsamphel (Class X), Tenzin Tsomo (Class XI) and Pemba Dorjee Goiba (Class XII). 


TCV School Selakui Celebrated Earth Day Eve -2018

April 21, 2018; Saturday

As the Earth Day-2018 falls on Sunday, TCV School Selakui Celebrated Earth Day Eve on April 21, 2018. The day's function was started at 8:30 am inside school hall. It was joined by the day's chief guest Christ -a Falun Dafa practitioner, guest of honour Ekava from Japan, distinguished guests -Mr. Sonam Gyalpo; TCV Mathematics resource person and Mr. Minchung; TCV Tibetan resource person, valued guests-sponsors from abroad, school Principal, Headmaster, headmaster's assistant, staff members, and students. 



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We Congratulate!
Many Congratulations!


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August 2, 2018; Thursday Before departing school for the 'Science Camp-2018', all the selected students and stake holders had ga...

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