An open discussion about forthcoming events of Department of Science

September 22, 2018; Saturday

During the PGP period on the Saturday, science teachers had assembled to discuss about forthcoming activities of Department of Science. The meeting was successful in discussing about follow up activities of 'Science project presentation' to be held from October 15, 2018 onwards. Additionally,  ideas for inter-house invention contests of Science Day-2018 was discussed. Briefing of the meeting can be accessed from the link:

Hold a meeting to discuss about follows ups of a professional science teacher
August 18, 2018; Saturday

On August 18, 2018, science team members had an hour long discussion about different follow up events of Science department in general and research in particular. This interactive meeting was productive in discussing about following issues;

  1. Progress in science research/project works of students.
  2. Finalized the last and final deadline dates for submitting title/topic of research that student would undertake (Finalised to submit research topic within one week)
  3. Shared challenges related to research in general.
  4. Classes XI and XII students are given option on doing research either in group or on individual basis.
  5. Classes XI and XII students have to prepare at least an exhibitory research project on any subject of their choice, whether it is Chemistry, Physics, or Biology.
  6. Need to prepare group presentation by class XI students.
  7. Being consistently proactive professional teachers, in guiding, supervising and supporting students in doing successful completion of their researches.

This meeting was ended with a discussion about provision of better internet facility to students in completion of their research. For this, department representatives Mr. Tenzin Jamyang and Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal approached school Principal –Mr. Duke Tsering and Headmaster –Mr. Tsultrim Kalsang. With this short interactive session with school heads, it was decided to continue student’s research process with present internet facility. School heads were kind in accepting swift facilitation of better internet. This interactive session was ended with discussion on various ways of provision of quality Internet were discussed. 

Science team day out with students participating in Science camp-2018
August 7, 2018; Tuesday
We are united when we learn; we are the staffs of Regional Science Center and TCV Selakuians

On August 7, 2018, all the science team members had joined our students participating in the science camp-2018. We the science team members were relieved from school routine for an educational tour cum escorting students participating in the science camp. This was  aimed to develop various professional skills in addition to learn outside school campus. Major objectives of this collaborative learning practice are as follows;
  1. To explore regional science center and its innovation hub
  2. To develop healthy inter-personal relationship among science teachers (teacher-teacher relationship), among teachers and students (student-teacher relationship) and among science teachers and staffs of Regional Science Center Dehradun and innovation hub.
  3. To discover innovative and pragmatic teaching strategies and methodologies with exploration of Regional Science Center, Dehradun.

This one day team educational excursion was indeed a great opportunity and a platform to develop healthy teacher-teacher and student-teacher relationship. Moreover, we the family of science teachers had developed good relationship with the staffs of the science center. With the development of sound relationship with the staffs of the center, it would have become easier for our science teachers to plan any visits to the science hub of Uttrakhand in near future. 

As our students had familiarised themselves with science teachers by spending a day together, this would have laid foundation for different follow up activities of the science camp that need student-teacher collaboration. Students would have felt close to their teachers and they would feel comfortable to approach their teachers in terms of completion of different follow up activities of the science camp. One of the main follow up activity of the science camp is to find a supervisor or guide for their group's innovative project and need to complete it by seeking guidance from the chosen supervisor. Eventually, students will be presenting their project during Science week 2018.

We are team when the Dr. Purohit, Joint Director of RSC interacts with our students participating in Science Camp

We sail our ship of teaching-learning together and forever

When we learn together; "Thats interesting! lets learn together"

Our teachers says; "Excellently exhibited and presented, wish i could bring my kids in future here to learn"

Virtual reality is fun, lets play this game to gather
With keen observation of displays, models, demo and learning environments presented in the Regional Science Center and Innovation hub, teachers would have found innovative and practically applicable pedagogies that can be supplemented in their daily teaching-learning processes to foster scientific temperament and rational attitude among students. Furthermore, every science team members had numerous memorable learning experiences.

We are big science family from TCV School Selakui
Finally, few science team members say "Lets plan for another education trip like this day"

The Science Department, TCV School Selakui would like to acknowledge the entire team of Regional Science Center Dehradun and Innovation hub for facilitating this successful program during the Science camp-2018 for our students. Their kind, supportive and very cooperative nature was always appreciated in the near future.

Science teachers met to discuss about scaffolding students to excel in science examinations
August 4, 2018; Saturday
Three proactive science teachers during the informal discussion

Meeting attendees:
Mrs. Choezin Lhamo
Mr. Tsering Lodhen
Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal

To follow up school Headmaster –Mr. Tsultrim Kalsang’s advice during monthly teacher’s meeting on July 20, 2018, three of the above mentioned science team members had an informal discussion on ‘Different ways to scaffold students to excel in science examinations’, during PGP period on this day. They shared their concerns, ideas, experiences and some pragmatic solutions. Some of their suggestions are as follows;
  1. Teachers to collect suggestions from students regarding; what teachers can do for them? What students need to do? How could students excel in writing exam papers?
  2. Inter class Mentorship programme (peer coaching); Mentoring class IX by class XI students, Mentoring middle class students by class IX students (as proposed during the meeting of Science team on December 8, 2018).
  3. Intra class peer coaching: with new seating arrangement where there is inclusion of good students and weaker students.
  4. Daily question and answer sessions during actual class session.
  5. Extra scaffolding to underperforming students by the concerned subject teachers or by provision of a mentor teacher or student who are good at subject.
  6. Developing common technical/scientific writing skills among lower class students so that they could score good marks when they are promoted to higher classes.
  7. Teachers to guide students on; art of taking examination, good ways of presenting exam paper, dos and don’ts in answer paper.
  8. Teachers to facilitate students the latest syllabus and past five years sample papers and question papers to students.
  9. Also, discussed to add any other ways if teachers could add on via whatapp group of our department.

Mr. Tenzin Jamyang and Miss. Sherab Wangmo were not able to assemble for the meeting as they were teacher escort for the students participating in Science Camp-2018 at Regional Science Center. Their ideas, experiences and any other suggestions will be collected via whatsapp group*.

Though this meeting was planned to hold on July 22, 2018 (Saturday), due to engagement of some team members in some other school activities and time constrain we couldn’t assemble for the meeting. Moreover, few of teachers are engaged in proof reading and scrutinisation of Summative I question papers.
*Via whatsapp: It was discussed to scaffold low achieving or demotivated students by teachers themselves in their free time. 
During the re-summerisation of agenda discussed by Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal
Collaborative scrutinisation of first term question papers
July 10, 2018; Tuesday

As per the guidelines of the standing and new resolutions of Education Development Council (EDC) meeting, TCV school Selakui has to set Science question papers for classes VI to VIII. To follow up the direction, respective subject teachers had framed the question papers. These question papers were scrutinized by the all members of science department, inside staff room during the last period of the day.
Proactive team members  scrutinising the set question papers
Every member of science department had proactively examined the set question papers to ensure that these are error free. This session was successful in exchanging suggestions and ideas to standardize the question papers. With this gathering it was also discussed on sending the question papers by the question paper setter to the Headmaster after the final edition.

Science department will try to publish the set question papers online through this weblog.

Science team met to frame a script of traditional Tibetan dialectic debate
June 29, 2018; Friday

On the evening of the day, science team members had an experiential meet inside school meditation room. During that session, we worked for framing the script of traditional Tibetan dialectic debate on the topic ‘Homogenous mixture and mixture’.

This professional development activity was carried with prime purpose of teacher’s professional development in addition to achieve the objectives of school administrators. Moreover, the script will be used as sample for preparing a dialectic debate presentation on His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama’s 83rd Birthday celebration in the school [Click here to access the script].

Mr. Tsering Lodhen la guiding our team the tactics of  dialectic debate skills

Mrs. Choezin Lhamo la proactively going through the discussed  script

Mrs. Choezin Lhamo had recorded the discussion undertaken among the team members. Science team members viz. Mr. Tenzin Jamyang and Mr. Tsering Lodhen had proactively engaged in the activity. Later, the script was typed volunteerly by Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal and re-checked by school philosophy teacher Geshe Theckchok. 
Reviewing the framed script for the debatable topic 'Mixture and homogenous mixture'

Workshop on becoming teacher through action research
June 27, 2018; Wednesday

With consideration of action research as an essential facet of teaching-learning process, school administration had organized the workshop on action research. It was held at computer laboratory from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm on June 26 and June 27, 2018. The guest lecturer for the workshop was Dr. Nawang B. Phuntsog, associate professor of elementary and bilingual education at California state university, Fullerton, U.S.

We the science team members were privileged to be participants in the workshop with other teachers. During the workshop, science teachers had proactively participated by asking questions, clarifying doubts and seeking suggestions in some aspects of deprivation of student’s motivation in school setting.
Workshop attendees with Dr. Nawang B. Phuntsog

Dr. Nawang B. Phuntsog emphasized on doing action research in solving various academic challenges, to improvise teaching-learning process. By stressing action research as an effective tool, sir recommended all the attendees to undertake action research on the challenges that uprise in school setting. Additionally, he guided us to compile our action research into a book like dissertation and prepare a research paper to be published in renowned educational journals.

Dr. Nawang B. Phuntshog while guiding teachers on effective way of proceeding with action research

Attendees are motivated and moved by some ideas shared by Dr. Nawang B. Phuntsog 

The workshop was very relevant, informative and professionally essential that action research must have to be conducted by teachers. The guest lecturer was well experienced and knows the key points that need to be stressed. Moreover, his pleasant way of guidance throughout the workshop was very effective in highlighting the significance of executing action research.

A brainstorming session for holding a grand professional quiz
June 16, 2018; Saturday

All the science team members had gathered in the staff room during PGP period for an open discussion about holding a professional quiz on June 19, 2018. During that session, all the science teachers had collaboratively discussed about the following agendas;
@ Number of participants.
@ Different rounds to be conducted.
@ Framing quiz questions.
@ Maximum time allowed for answering different questions of various round.
@ Score system for each round.
@ Arrangement of required materials.
@ Stage setting and decoration.
@ ICT based question display, score board and timer.
@ Prizes/gifts for the participants.

The meeting was successful in deciding four rounds viz. visual round and rapid fire round for classes VI to VIII, Buzzer round for secondary classes (IX &X) and Buzzer round for classes XI and XII. It was also confirmed that the quiz to be conducted will be an inter house quiz with participation of each students from classes VI to XII. In total, from each house seven students and sum total of participants corresponds to 28. Likewise, we accepted to appoint volunteer quiz masters from class XI and XII as per the guidance of our school administrator. Within the available time limit, we could discuss to have a grand inter house quiz.

A day long workshop on cyber security
June 14, 2018; Thursday

All the science team members and teachers of TCV School Selakui are fortunate to have a day long workshop on 'Cyber security'. It was conducted inside Computer Lab, TCV School Selakui by our computer teachers -Mr. Tenpa Tharchin and Mr. Tashi Dawa. Following are the main topics discussed by them;
  1. Useful Google chrome extensions like Https everywhere, last pass: free password manager, you block
  2. for checking how secure is our password.
  3. for filtering malware in system, file and URL
  4. Good password practice by setting capital/lower alphanumerical and symbolical password
  5. Using google authenticator app to sign in different web pages using two step verification method
  6. Tracing location of the person using gps, apps locator(google map), IMEI, SS7

The workshop was very informative and relevant to teachers. It would be practically applicable in our daily lives, particularly for those who are associated with internet technology. 

*No PGP activities were held on May 19 and May 26 as majority of science teachers are on leave (casual leave/fraternity leave)*

May 5, 2018

On May 5, 2018, during PGP period we the science team members had an informal discussion about excel in general with reference to its application in daily life of a teacher. This informal discussion was successful to discuss about different ideas and suggestions from teachers. There was thorough discussion about following topic;
@ Using excel for evaluating marks of students,
@ Google sheet and its application in general,
@ Essential features of MS excel that a teacher should know for easy handling of data,
@ MS excel; a potential tool to generate school result and class wise result in general.
@ Formulae of MS excel that a teacher need to know

The informal discussion was headed by Mr. Tsering Lodhen, PGT Physics (Instructor of the MS excel) and participated by Mrs. Choezin Lhamo and Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal.

April 28, 2018

1)     Mrs. Choezin Lhamo
2)     Mrs. Tenzin Jamyang
3)     Mr. Tsering Lodhen
4)   Mrs. Rajeshwari Chauhan
5)     Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal

On April 28, 2018 aforementioned science teachers have gathered for the first session of collaborative professional development program. During the session, we were opportune to study basics of MS excel from Mr. Tsering Lodhen, PGT Physics. We were privileged to learn few formulae (sum, summing three largest cells, counting, and conditional formatting). 

With an informal discussion among the members of Department of Science, we chose to learn foundation of MS Excel from Mr. Tsering Lodhen.

March 31, 2018
On March 31, 2018, an informal discussion about Professional growth plan (PGP) in general was successful with kind presence of Mr. Tenzin Dhargyal –TCV PGP Coordinator. During this meeting sir was keen to discuss about PGP of members of our department. His kind self was so kind to discuss and guide all the attendee about their PGP individually. PGP of all the attendee teachers are reviewed by Mr. Tenzin Dhargyal. Sir also suggested some professional skills that a teacher can practice for this year.

Sir supported our plan of avoiding mere lesson studies as teacher’s growth plan (TGP). Additionally, his kind self suggested following PGPs those teachers can practice this year;
@ Organising any informal meeting for better cause that promotes professional skills.
@ Inviting experts in the school to discuss and develop must required teacher’s professional skills.
@ Sharing expertise by every member of department and guiding fellow teachers.
@ Organising discussion about evaluation system, note making and art of teaching science.
@ Writing lesson plan collaboratively.
@ Watching videos related to science.
@ Science team day out for a good reason (like visit to a museum, academic institutions, etc).
@ Teaching and collaborating each other by sharing knowledge, activities or simply any interesting games.

March 17, 2018

Meeting Attendees
1)     Mrs. Choezin Lhamo
2)     Mrs. Rajeshwari Chauhan
3)     Mr. Tsering Lodhen
4)     Mr. Lhakpa Wangyal

On March 17, 2018 aforementioned science teachers have gathered to discuss about ‘Professional Growth Plan-2018’ and other issues in general. Unlike lesson studies as teachers professional growth plan, the brainstorming session was successful to come up with following ideas;

1.     To learn foundation of MS Excel by science team members from Mr. Tsering Lodhen, PGT Physics.
As teaching profession needs good knowledge of computer particularly MS excel, it was discussed to learn the application under the guidance of Mr. Tsering Lodhen during PGP period allotted on Saturday.

2.     To learn research methodology by science team members and introduce it to students.
3.     Science team day out for workshop, conference, seminar, etc (As suggested by Gyen Tenzin Dhargyal on March 31, 2018)

With this meeting, teachers were also requested to become proactive and responsible for the forth coming events of Science department like submission of research title on May 1, 2018; Class wise science quiz contest on April 17, 2018 (during morning assembly) and  Celebration of earth day (eve) on April 21, 2018.

The meeting was ended with a brief discussion stating that every teacher will rethink and come up other ideas for PGP-2018. As the meeting was attended by only four teachers, it was planned to hold another meeting when Mr Tenzin Jamyang la (was relieved from school to attend Tibetan Parliament in Exile) and the new teacher join school.


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We Congratulate!
Many Congratulations!


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August 2, 2018; Thursday Before departing school for the 'Science Camp-2018', all the selected students and stake holders had ga...

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