Department of Science-2018

As per plan, Department of Science dedicated this year to inspire, motivate and guide students to adopt research based learning. For this very purpose, all the science teachers had devoted time for guiding students about art of doing research since the beginning of this academic year. For achieving this objective, we were indebted to our school heads for supporting and guiding us. It was in the month of May during which, our school leaders headed by Principal Mr. Duke Tsering took an interactive session for motivating and inspiring our class XII students to develop research methodologies. They took our students and science teachers around the school premises for introducing empirical research areas that are related to our daily life. Likewise, our department was able to instill research tactics by screening a movie entitled ‘PAD MAN’ –real life story of Arunachalam Muruganantham who invented low-cost machine that make sanitary pads.
Additionally, during morning assembly teacher’s talks, our science teachers introduced essential research related skills that should be practiced by students while conducting research. Moreover, this very department organized five days science camp at Regional Science center, Dehradun with objectives of popularising science, inspiring and motivating students to discover and innovate by developing rational attitude and scientific temperament.
Our department was able to organize morning assembly science quiz, a grand science quiz nite, three days hands on training on gardening and composting at Navdhanya with kind cooperation and support of entire family of TCV School Selakui. Additionally, the department is also honoured to facilitate our students to participate in CTA Level Science, Mathematics and Environmental Science Exhibition held at Tibetan Homes Foundation School Mussoorie. With successful participation in the exhibition, Master Dorjee Gurmey and his team Master Sangay Tashi escorted by Miss. Sherab Wangmo were selected for 45th Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics and Envirionmental Science Exhibition held at Ahmedabad, Gujurat from November 23 to November 27, 2018.

Department of Science was able to celebrate Earth Day Eve -2018 on April 21, 2018 and Annual Science Day on October 26, 2018. As part of annual science day, class wise science project presentations were started from October 15 onwards. The last leg of the presentation was completed on October 30.

To integrate Information Communication Technology (ICT) within the school curriculum, our department was able to launch its blog, youtube channel and an online journal for updating various events and programs, and awaking students about science in general.

Success of all those activities of Department of Science had been success of our humble, sincere, hardworking, and cooperative science teachers. Moreover, our department was also indebted to many helpful and kind people who had been so kind in supporting and guiding at every milestone of our success. With this medium, our department would like to pay our sincere gratitude and hearty acknowledgement to all those who had unconditionally helped us throughout the journey of Department of science.


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Many Congratulations!


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The Science Camp-2018

August 2, 2018; Thursday Before departing school for the 'Science Camp-2018', all the selected students and stake holders had ga...

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